Sunday, July 15, 2012

What it's all about.

Hello, and welcome to my blog. My name’s Melissa. I’m a geek, I like old things, and am always in the middle of repairing or restoring some battered old thing or another, hence the title. I’ll be sharing some of my projects with you, so you can learn from whatever I do right, or wrong, and apply that knowledge to whatever project you’re working on. Or vice versa, as I’m sure a lot of you have some great knowledge and skills.

I’ll also share some of my art in progress, post the occasional silly picture or joke, talk about the occasional girly or home economics type thing, and occasionally get on my soapbox about whatever random thing I feel strongly about.

As an aside, an elderly and fierce woodworking instructor, on overhearing a political rant in his class, announced to us, “Hey! Around here, there are three things we don’t talk about. Politics, religion, and sayex.” And yes, that’s how he pronounced the last. He had a great point though. Heated arguments rarely mix well with blunt, heavy objects, and carbon steel blades rotating at thousands of RPM. Inspired by that example, while I will be opinionated about random stuff, I’ll try to not push any super-sensitive buttons, as there are plenty of other places on the internet for that sort of thing.

Two posts I’m planning soon, are a working log of salvaging a craftsman style desk, (though beautifully proportioned, it’s too far gone to be considered restoring, so I’m simply salvaging it for a nice bench for my lathe) and a soapbox article on how talent is overrated, which sounds weird, I know.

So welcome, and enjoy!

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